Program Description

The Master of Science in Chemistry for Industry and Environment (WMSCIE) is a professional program offered by the Department of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University. This program provides the degree of Master of Science in Chemistry for Industry and Environment (MSc) for those who have completed Bachelor of Science in Chemistry or related discipline and want to obtain extensive knowledge and skills in Chemistry for Industry and Environment.

To obtain the degree a student must complete all requirements within 3 to 7 academic semester from the date of first enrollment. There will be three semester in a year. Spring (January-April), Summer (May- August) and Fall (September – December). A semester will segmented into class weeks, preparatory leaves and semester final examination. The approximate time distribution of a semester will be as follows:

Total Length 17 Weeks
Segment Period Length
Class Weeks 1st Week – 13th Week 13 Weeks
Preparatory leave before semester-end examination 14th Week 01 Week
Semester-end examination 15th Week – 16th Week 02 Weeks
Result Processing & Publishing 17th Week 01 Week